Khaldun Bshara (editor)
Contributing authors: Dana ‘Abbas, Yara Bamieh, Saja Mansour,
Shatha Safi, Renad Shqeirat
“The Life Jacket: The Restoration and Regeneration of Rural Jerusalem”, edited by Khaldun Bshara, and with the contribution of a group of architects working in Riwaq, sheds light on the project, Riwaq has been implementing since 2015 in the villages of northwest and northeastern Jerusalem (Jaba’a, Kafr Aqab, Qalandiya, al-Jib), which addresses the geopolitical challenges that Jerusalem has to endure including separation, dispersal and marginalization. In the Life Jacket project, Riwaq proposes creative attempts that invest the social and economic potential of the villages of Jerusalem, in order to contribute to steadfastness of Palestinian in their lands and to resist the attempts of fragmentation and separation of Jerusalem from its natural incubator, the rural areas.
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