Designing Modernity: Architecture in the Arab World 1945-1973
Edited by George Arbid and Philip Oswalt.
In cities like Beirut, Amman, Kuwait City, Jericho, Baghdad and Cairo, outstanding modern architecture developed in the wake of the Second World War, which is unique and diverse in itself, the book “Designing Modernity”, honors this often-neglected cultural heritage and thus not only make a contribution to its preservation but also correct the misleading image of western-dominated architectural history. In the bilingual publication in Arabic and English, you will find ten case studies from Iraq, Lebanon, Kuwait, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Morocco and Egypt involving Amin Alsaden, Aziza Chaouni, Dima Yaser, Janset Shawash, Leïla El-Wakil, Mercedes Volait, Mohamed Elshahed, Pelin Tan, Rafee Hakky, Sara Saragoça, Wael Samhouri and George Arbid.
“Designing Modernity” is co-published by Jovis (Berlin) and Riwaq (Ramallah).
George Arbid is an architect with successive teaching positions at the Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts, the American University of Beirut, and the Lebanese University. He received a Dipl6me d'Etudes Superieures in Architecture from ALBA and was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the History, Theory and Criticism Program at MIT. As well, he holds a Doctor of Design degree from Harvard University. Arbid is the co-founder and director of the Arab Center for Architecture and has served on several competition and award juries, including the 2019 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award.
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Philipp Oswalt has been Professor of Architectural
Theory and Design at the University of Kassel since 2006 . From 1988 to 1994, he was editor of the architecture magazine Arch+ and worked for OMA/ Rem Koolhaas in 1996/97. He was the initiator and co-director of the European research project "Urban Catalyst" 2001-2003. He acted as co-initiator and co-curator
of the interim cultural use of the Palast der Republik,
"ZwischenPalastNutzung / Volkspalast" (2004} and was director of the project "Shrinking Cities" of the Federal Cultural Foundation (2002-2008). From 2009 to 2014, he served as director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and was co-initiator of "projekt Bauhaus" 2015-2019, the initiative Zukunft Bi.ihnen Frankfurt
(2020), and the critical learning place Garnisonkirche Potsdam (2020).
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