Philip Oswalt
Philipp Oswalt has been Professor of Architectural Theory and Design at the University of Kassel since 2006 . From 1988 to 1994, he was editor of the architecture magazine Arch+ and worked for OMA/ Rem Koolhaas in 1996/97. He was the initiator and co-director of the European research project "Urban Catalyst" 2001-2003. He acted as co-initiator and co-curator of the interim cultural use of the Palast der Republik, "ZwischenPalastNutzung / Volkspalast" (2004} and was director of the project "Shrinking Cities" of the Federal Cultural Foundation (2002-2008). From 2009 to 2014, he served as director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and was co-initiator of "projekt Bauhaus" 2015-2019, the initiative Zukunft Bi.ihnen Frankfurt (2020), and the critical learning place Garnisonkirche Potsdam (2020).